Finn had a birthday present one day early...his new baby cousin Lilah Louise Beall, who Finn fondly refers to as "Lilah Lou"
On his birthday Finn and Mommy went to the park in the morning and to the pool in the afternoon. The day was topped off with cake and presents in the evening once Daddy got home from work. Finn really dug into his mini birthday cake this year. Finn is also the proud new owner of a tricycle and a scooter (as well as a Thomas the train helmet of course). Finn also spent the majority of the day wearing a birthday crown made for him at his daycare.
At the end of his birthday week, his Aunt Ann, Uncle Devon and cousins Van and Penn came for a visit. Finn loved time with his cousins and overall they played quite well together...I think this spells trouble for the future!! :)
Finn ended his birthday week with a big party at our home with several of his friends. The kids had a great time in the kiddie pools and bouncy house. We think Finn did love his truck birthday cake despite the tears as everyone was singing happy birthday to him. Once all eyes were off him he slowly warmed up to the truck cake and began scooping frosting off with his fingers. Finn hosted a "truck trade" as well where his friends all brought a truck and went home with a different truck. Finn now has more trucks than he knows what to do with and is loving it!
Over all I think his two year birthday was a's to another great year!